Fall Chore List

Whether we want it or not, fall is here. Now is the time to start preparing your garden for the seasonal transition. You will notice that your garden may not look as happy as it did a few months ago. This checklist will help you clean up your garden and get it ready for the long winter ahead.
Pull Weeds
You probably have been breaking your back over weeds all summer, but now is a great time to give your yard extra attention to clear out all weeds. This, of course, is good for the overall appearance of your yard. It will also prepare your garden for fall chores.
Haul Plants Indoors
Make sure to pull any container plants inside before the first frost. If your plants get frost bitten they will not survive.
Plant Bulbs
For beautiful spring flowers, it is best to get your bulbs in the ground early fall. If you are late to the punch, just make sure to get your bulbs planted before the first frost.
Plant Trees and Shrubs
Fall is the best time to plant trees and shrubs. It avoids the hot summer stress and gives the plants enough time to become established in their new home. Check out our article about planting shrubs and trees in the fall for more information.
Plant and Divide Perennials
Early fall is the time to plant perennials or divide ones already in your garden. See our article about dividing perennials for a step by step process.
Make a Garden Map
Make a quick sketch of how you had your garden laid out before you start tearing it apart for winter. If you keep growing the same plants in the same spots year after year, it can lead to disease and lack of nutrients. Having a guideline of your current garden allows for easier crop rotation.
Remove Annuals
If you have any annual flowers that are not blooming or vegetable plants no longer producing, you can remove them from your garden. This will save you water and lets you to prepare your soil for next year.
Clean and Sharpen Gardening Tools
Your garden tools have taken a beating through the spring and summer. To keep your tools in their prime for years, make sure to clean them up. Leaving them dirty can lead to rust and erosion. You should also sharpen and repair your tools so they will be ready for next spring. If you need to replace any tools, now is a good time for that also.
Organize Your Shed
We all have had a busy spring and summer with our garden chores. Some of us are guilty of sloppily throwing our tools back into the shed. If your shed is disorganized, take some time to put tools back in their places. This will make it easier for next spring and avoid any hazards of tools falling on you.
Prepare Your Soil
Add nutrients back into your soil to give your garden a head start for next year. You can amend your soil with specific nutrients it may be lacking. You could also add compost to your soil for a boost. To lean more about creating your own compost bin, read this article.
Look for End of Summer Sales
Southdale has a lot of great deals to take advantage of. Keep your eyes out for sales on plants and supplies for your garden.